Thanks to Ms. Limelight, Mr. Robotic gets to find out a little about the Hindu Gods that was displayed in the shop. At the same shop, Mr. Robotic was amazed at how nimble the worker was his hands at stringing flowers together. It was so fast that Mr. Robotic can barely follow the movement with his eyes. Sadly with modernisation, such a craft may eventually disappear one day. At the "little India lane", Mr. Robotic also finds that he can't resist bobbing his head to Bollywood dance tracks, much to the amusement of Ms. Hysterical. Indeed music transcends cultural barriers.
Of course, a day trip to Johor Bahru ain't complete without shopping and binging of food. Mr. Robotic cannot be more fascinated at how a bridge that divides the two countries means such differences in prices. It was apparent when Mr. Robotic compares the contact lenses solution of the same brand which is $4 cheaper in Johor Bahru.

Note: Mr. Robotic deliberated on this post not that the trip ain't enjoyable as it was definitely a most fun day but rather the day following the trip holds lots of regret and sadness for Mr. Trust Me. If Mr. Trust Me is reading this post, Mr. Robotic hopes that Mr. Trust Me can let go of his regret and resume his smiley and cheeky character soon as everyone around him is missing that. Mr. Robotic is sure uncle also wishes for the same thing for Mr. Trust Me.
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