Monday, March 22, 2010

Living the fast life...

Indeed... Mr. Robotic is living the fast life lately with the numerous deadlines at work. However, the fast paced work life is nothing compared to that of riding on the motorbike. Mr. Robotic was offered a ride home by Mr. Abang and as it is the very first time that Mr. Robotic get to ride a bike, gosh was it exciting! The adrenaline rush dashing in and out of traffic and the wind coming so strongly at one's face (Mr. Robotic almost felt that his face is flapping of sorts... that ain't good). Seriously when one is used to sitting inside cars, one has no idea how fast the vehicles are travelling. Mr. Robotic thought he was almost at some adventure ride.

Mr. Robotic is ashamed to admit that his legs were wobbly and all his muscles were tensed up (especially the hand muscles for clinging tightly to the sides of the bike) at the end of the ride. Nonetheless, it was really cool to get on the bike and live the fast life...

1 comment:

  1. be careful the leg ah. hahaha. :) but it is cool to ride on the bike... i rode on winnie's de once... :)
